Assignment 6: Using Mixamo and Playmaker to animate characters
by lurbiks
- October 20
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By Larissa Urbiks
For this assignment, I decided to create another character for Treasure Island. The role is a woman with bow and arrow. She lives on the island, and she knows that the soldiers just arrived, but they don’t know that they are not alone.
Making her move from one point to another wasn’t as easy as I thought. I chose her as the game object and created two spheres. One sphere is her stop point, the other one is her start and finish. The first time I tried to make her walk between those spheres failed. She didn’t stop moving between the beginning and the stop point – she always repeated this sequence until I said “Mouse Exit”, then she repeated her walk from the stop point to the finish without end. A fellow student told me that I need to select “in place” in Mixamo even before I click on the download button. With this selection, “I tween move to” is in charge of her movement, without it’s not. I was happy that this worked because I already set up new logics which didn't work either.
This taught me that there are a lot of minor details that can muck things about. Using Unity, Playmaker and Mixamo mean that you need to be really careful and attentive.