Unity Medieval Scene – Claudia Articek
by Claudia Articek
- October 9
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Welcome to the year 750, where dragons were reality and electricity not invented. In the scene there is a dragon which comes over the medieval village to try to burn it down. My user comes from a long journey back home and suddenly sees the dragon. He runs to the village with the purpose to evacuate the inhabitants. When he arrives, he notices that everybody left the city. That’s the end of the story.
When I created to scene the first time, I mixed assets created for unity 3.0 with the program unity 5.0. Unfortunately, this didn’t work out. I deleted the assets but the compiler to render the game wouldn’t work anyway. The only solution I saw is to create a whole new scene with new assets.
After I did create a new scene, everything worked very well and I was able to play the game without any compiling errors. I tried to create a terrain with two different textures for the mountains and the grass. I still couldn’t find out how to apply two different textures on one terrain.
Enjoy my video:
In a real world, this scene wouldn’t exist because there are no dragons. But if we imagine, that this scene would be real, then I would recommend to run very fast to escape from the dragon. Also there is no way to find rescue. To make it more child-oriented we should think about having the dragon as a pet or a working animal which helps the people in the village to do their work.
When the player would move through the scene in a real world he would need to work hard to get through the high grass and the hilly surface. He would experience the shade of the trees, the sound of the dragon and would feel the wind at his skin. Of course, I would like to see my scene to become real but to see this big dragon and hear that he is very near, I wouldn’t like to experience that.