Unity First Try-Sarah Luo
by Sarah Luo
- March 11
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After you mastered the basic skills in Unity, the passion and curiosity will drive you to a place that you've never imaged before. My original idea of building my first scene in Unity is to design the end of world: You are standing on a cliff, overlooking the endless blue sky and amazing ocean.
However, I found out that building a cliff by myself is actually a very difficult work. I spent a lot of time on building the mountains across the terrain, but when you changed into the first-person view, it is impossible for the viewer to climb on steep mountains. Thus, I had to adjust the height of mountains and leave a road for the viewer to climb on, which eventually lowered down the height of terrain and I can’t achieve the effect of standing on a cliff.
In my final work, I still chose to split the overall terrain into two completely different styles of scene. One the left side, you will see a beautiful wood house and trees. But when you “climbed” on a small mountain, you will surprisingly find out an endless ocean with whale, fish boat, rocks and waves.
The problem I encountered is that I don’t know how to import 3D assets I downloaded from the asset store into my scene, such ad flying butterfly, lighting and raining, and waves. For example, the wave you saw in the scene is a 2D foam effect, but I really want to make the waves move! I think that’s what I should figure out and build a more engaging and interesting scene!
I always believe that it is the details that can make the virtual reality more real!