Shiyi Liu – Final Project
by sliu70
- December 7
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Youtube Link:
LittLstar Link:
I had a joyful experience of shooting this final project, though I changed my original plan, which is to make a 360 video for my personal resume.
The reason why I changed my initial plan is that I could not shoot enough scenes to support my resume video. Also, I found out that most of the important scenes in my resume video were built on my experience and memories back in Shanghai. The video will not represent the real me if it is not based on my personal experience.
Then, I got an inspiration from an article on Weibo (a Chinese social media platform just like Twitter in U.S.). This article is in a first-person view while the major roles are foods on people’s table in a restaurant. After read that article, I can’t help thinking about it. One day later, when I wandering in CVS, an idea suddenly came up to me. Although it is a little bit odd, it is derived from my curiosity. I was always wondering if all the products in the store are alive, how did they look at us? How did they feel when they had to sit on the shelf all-day long? Also, I would like to know the feeling of sitting on the shelf beside cosmetic goods, candy jars or even an ice-cream.
Therefore, I chose my final project plan, a distinct tour in CVS. I put the camera at different locations in CVS, like next to cosmetic goods, candy jars, Ben & Jerry and even Christmas decorations.
The problem I met was that when I began to edit it, I planned to add narrative to it. However, my voice could not play all roles, and I failed to find different people to dub for it. So, I chose not to add narrative at the end.
After I export it and put it in Go pro VR app, I find the final output is better than I expected. When I put on the headset and looked around, I felt like I literally sat on the shelves and became a living product LOL.