Qian Zhu-Independent Study
by qzhu102
- December 11
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I watched a 12 minutes' long video on Lynda this Thanksgiving and I found it really helpful to my final project. First of all, I want to say that Lynda is a really interesting website. I can learn many useful and helpful things on this website. The categories are clear, and all courses are divided into different sections so I can choose the pieces that I want to watch.
Back to my topic. I was doing a 360 video as my final project. The main body is just simply video clips that I got during the past month so I could not do anything with that. The only thing I can improve was the design of the format of texts in my video. So I clicked into the "Design" category.
I was soon attracted by the title "Before & After: Less is more." This is the idea that I've always believe into. So I chose this one. This video used a postcard sized portfolio as an example to explain the theme "Less is more." The sample postcard has many problems, including color, strange shadows and lines, and undesigned back cover.
The designer changed the cover page color from black and white into colorful, which creates depth and concentration of the front page. The designer also took away the shadows of the pictures in the inside page, which made the whole picture look simpler. Besides, the designer redesigned the back page and add the signature of the owner of the portfolio, which made the postcard more recognizable.
I think this class is really helpful. I got the idea that not every time the combination of black and white works so well. Also add some well-designed font would make the whole picture more recognizable. So I designed the main color theme of the texts in my video as Pink & White. It creates the feeling of valentines day, which match the theme of the movie The Kissing Booth. Also, I choose some cute font to be my own style. I really like the texts I create this time.
Lynda is so great. I think I will continue to study on this website during the winter holiday.