Project 6: Wasim’s world of Warcraft (II) in Unity
by Wasim Ahmad
- March 7
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(Apologies, it seems the salutation at the beginning was cut off. I swear I'm not calling you 'checo!)
A little play on words for the title, but in the '90s I'd make a lot of maps in the real-time strategy game of Warcraft 2. That was a top-down, 2D view of the world in which orcs and humans engaged in combat. This is how I'd imagine a 3D Version of that would go, created for my first project in Unity.
These are, of course, not the same models you'd find in a Warcraft game, but rather free knockoffs from the Asset Store in Unity. I didn't seem to have any problems importing and placing the different models and assets as long as I stayed with things that were compatible with the version of Unity on the lab computers. Building the actual terrain wasn't terribly difficult, though it took me a bit to figure out how to get the lighting right and also some time to figure out how to make trees (apparently they were not brushes, but in fact 3D assets, which makes sense).
The sound was another story - I can't seem to get it to do what I want, which is play when you walk up close to the orcs or humans. You can see from the video that it just plays at the beginning and ... that's it.
As part of the thought exercise, well, I'd say the best application of this has perhaps already been done in the sadly forgotten Warcraft 3 - which in 2002 took the two-dimensional Warcraft 2 and made it look essentially like this (much more polished, though. You couldn't walk through it like you can in Unity, but moving through the world in that game is essentially like moving through the Unity editor. It's really a great game, and one way to take it to another level in Unity would be to add the first person component of walking through this environment here. It would be another way to play a real-time strategy game, as a commander actually at ground level with the human or orc armies.