My first VR experience
by Inbal Elazar
- September 3
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My first experience of VR was fascinated and powerful. It is also frightening to acknowledge that the technology today is able to literally play with our mind and senses.
From what I felt, the storytelling technique that has been working the best is the U2 show by Oculus glasses. The combination between the sounds and visual images takes you into the story, and the performance that is made as an intimate performance made my feelings be part of the game. The 3D sound makes the experience be more interesting. I felt a real Embarrassment from sitting on a chair and put glasses on my eyes. So I think that the Storytelling who works for the best are the U2 bend and the "circus sole" (Gear VR) when their Common ground is the participating of at least 3 elements (sound, visual and feelings).
Those who didn't work well for me were the building in Lebanon (Oculus), the lake scene (HTC VIVI) and the Holones.
The Lebanon building had a low quality of graphic resolution and also the feeling of movement without really moving made me feel bit nausea. As an Israeli, I expected to feel more emotional and sympathy but I couldn’t perceive the reality from the story she made, as I well know how powerful and terrifying this bad experience can be. From looking on others it seems to me that they also felt like me, dizzy and feeling of being into a game and not a reality as I assume the story creator wanted us to feel.
I didn’t felt physically I'm present in any of the VR techniques, I think it relates for a few reasons that at the top of them is the story itself. However, in the last time I tried the HTC VIVO and the scenario was a top of a mountain I felt 90% present, the scenery made me feel excited and I was fascinated by the view and also scared to fall down, again the collaboration of emotions quality and real movement in the space increased the physically feeling.
In addition, the situation of being on top of a mountain is familiar to me, and also logical while U2 privet show and circus Sole were amazing and 100% entertainment but didn’t make me feel like I'm totally there. I don't know if the feeling I had was like in a comic strip as I just felt like a doll that is played by an unreal character that breaks into my life.
About the technical spheres:
Screen resolution affects the ability to get into the scene and also the following side effect such as nausea as I mentioned before. Example for that is the Cardboard that was a nice experience but It is definitely not the real thing. Sound, especially 3D sound that moves with your head – enhances the feeling of being in a different dimension, as all of our real life sensors operate the same way in the VR world. so It’s an effective tool.
Smoothness of head tracking depends on the quality of the graphic of the game when it has low quality it may cause to a nausea feeling but when the quality is good it is nice.
Ability to lean forward (only on DK2) – I think its affect the way that the message is perceived. In the entertainment stories, leaning back and looking sideways in order to find the characters made my experience more fun as it should be. However, in the war scenario, it made me feel nausea, as I said because of the movement occurs without a real movement of the body.
Wired versus wireless I find it effect only on the comfort of using.
Quality of 3D graphics it is really important as the screen resolution- as more as the view will be better the experience will be better. I think that it is really important because if new users will have bad VR experience they won't use it again, furthermore they will spread their feelings among their friends and will make them be afraid to use the VR. I can tell that when I told to my friends that I tried the VR glasses the first question I've been asked was if I felt dizzy and nausea. For a new product in the industry such as VR, the P to P marketing is highly important.
The full spherical range of vision when there is only half spherical range of vision the other dimension sensation is not as flow as it should be and creates frustration. In the Lebanon building I wanted to see more but couldn't. When dealing with VR experience of observation ( and not a video game) I believe that the spherical vision should be full. While in a video game the experience is generated by the user's actions and that compensates the lack of full spherical range of vision.
can't wait to make my own VR storytelling...