Independent Learning – Federico Ghelli

Independent Learning – Federico Ghelli

360 Nadir Patch

One thing that I want to take credit during this course is that I was the first to discover how to add nadir patches to 360 videos. The process of doing it is was easier than I thought and didn't require any advanced skill with Autopano.

The first step is to create a circular logo. If you know how to do so in Photoshop than you'll be able to create an awesome logo that will fit the story you're trying to tell. Otherwise, on there are plenty of logos on the web.

After creating the logo, it's necessary to create a new layer on Autopano Giga and add the .png file to that layer. Then. the last step is to position the logo on the nadir and resize it.

Sometimes I had issues when the logo created a weird shadow around it. To avoid that to happening it's necessary to change the blending settings in Autopano. I noticed that the best setting to avoid shadowing is Multiband blending with -10 levels.

It's a easy process and it wouldn't require more than 5 minutes to complete. Here's the link to the full tutorial.

Triggers in Unity

Something else that I learned while using Unity is how to add simple triggers to the scene. This process to is pretty simple and might require around 20/25 minutes.

What is important to remember is that to create invisible triggers is necessary to change the mesh of the object in order to make it invisible, as well as remembering to check the object as collider. Otherwise, it wouldn't be possible to walk through it.

Once all these steps are completed, it's possible to add any action that the object would trigger once the character steps into the trigger area.

Here's the video tutorial that helped me learning these tricks.


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