Assignment 5 – Emily Bailey

Computer-Generated Scene in Unity For this assignment I created a scene where two soldiers were cruising around with their army truck next to a lake in a very serene landscape. I decided to add tall, jagged mountains that made the scene feel other-worldly, yet similar to Earth terrain. I wanted to create a scene in which soldiers were exploring another Earth-like planet that is being colonized by humans. Ideally I would have added more 3D models to the scene to make it seem as though the soldiers were camping out on...

Carla Sertin Assignment 5: Creepy Cities and Moon Parties

Creepy City: Note: Please forgive the horrible audio -- music and footsteps sound very odd in the recording... I started working on this to get comfortable with Unity, so I tried to do some things that I wasn't really prepared for. I tried setting 'trigger zones' where music would transition to a 'suspense' audio clip (like when you enter a boss fight in a video game and the music suddenly shifts to action mode). I found a tutorial on the Unity website, followed it, and failed. I didn't look for...

Assignment 5: A Day and Night Spent in Hell

Linked above is my Unity Project, 2016: A Ben Odyssey based very loosely on the first monolith scene from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Every step of the process was plagued by janky-ness from an accidental move of the scene folder into the scene folder creating an infinite number of scene folders impossible to delete on my desktop to VLC media player not being able to record my screen leading to the iphone produced masterpiece seen above. So. Much. Googling. Did I mention that it tried to build a demo real instead of...

Assignment 5!

Ah Unity you beautiful devil. Things I tried in this assignment: Manually creating a skybox from images i downloaded from the asset store. It's such a great feeling pressing apply and voila a gorgeous 3d sunset you assembled from a bunch of 2d images. Adding sounds to different locations. I added music in the background of the whole scene but i also added noises like bats to the house to give it a haunted feeling. I want to play around more with this in the future. Adding a particle emitter to...

Assignment 5 – Federico Ghelli

That was an adventure! creating my world in Unity with little knowledge of the software was a learning and humbling experience. I tried to stick to the basics and create something that would look appropriate for a video game. My concept is an underwater fort in a desert-like environment. I added a few buildings from a desert fortress pack and a tank to make the whole thing more war-like. The idea is to have a scenario were the protagonist is a soldier who lives in an underwater fort and needs...

First Experience with Unity! – Vi Nguyen

This was my first time with Unity and it honestly was a crazy creative endeavor. It was surreal to experience first hand the world that I literally created. You are in control of every aspect of this world. From the very first perspective to the very single mountain range peak, it is literally your playground. As an individual who is not familiar with first person gaming, this was an awesome experience to go about this world. I could see the potential that Unity has to offer to those who are...

Assignment 5

1.What worked I think the thing that worked most was the kinds of texturing I did. The jagged edges I thought really worked well to help create the badlands feel that I wanted. The scenario I was trying to depict was that of a long range hiker in the badlands who stumbles onto ruins and strange creatures therein. Although the creatures roar in the beginning, luring the hiker to their site, when he reaches them they are standing quietly facing an angel statue. I wound up using the default skybox...

Assignment 5-Renyan Jiang

My Unity video: My scene is about an isolate island where an accident just happened.  When the player walks into my scene, he would find out that there are two damaged cars, several steel rods and oil drums are scattered around the island. And for some reasons, almost the whole island drowns in the flood. To create the scene, I add the terrain with two textures - sand and stone- to portray the images of the beach and mountains. I, then, plant the woods and add some benches to make this...

Assignment 5 – Shumin Lai

I wanted to create a scene where gorillas are fighting against dinosaurs, because those dinosaurs are reborn in the world and are looking for a place to settle down. However, the jungle has been occupied by gorillas, so they have a fierce fight in order to decide who can live in the jungle forever. I tried to figure out the first person controller because I had to adjust it all the time in order not to fall through the terrain. After trying it for several times, I adjusted the first...