Assignment 5 – Jason Mussman

Sorry its taken so long, I had the scene and the video created it was just left on the innovation lab computer and I totally forgot to upload it, at the very least it is a working demo and I think I did a good job of explaining it.   I found it very difficult to use the fighter jet to try and reconfigure it to not take off and fly away.  I would like it to be stationary or take off and orbit the scene not just fly away...


I solved my problems with the FPS controller and other smaller bugs simply by virtue of experience and understanding shorthand controls. My problems with the audio remained, however. The playmaker feature actually seems more intuitive than I would have imagined. Then one thing I'm still having problems with is the iTween animation; I keep trying to have the gold rise and map to the sphere I created when I move into another sphere I created. It didn't work that way. I'm not exactly sure where I messed up with that correlation,...

Assignment #6 Playmaker – Anna Leach

This playmaker scene was an extension of my original scene, with the added opening/closing treasure box. For me, the working out the logic took a long time; even though I have a little bit of programming experience,  thinking about the different stages and cause/action relationships took me a while to think through. However, this skill will be incredibly useful going forward in Unity and really opens up opportunities into interactive storytelling.

Assignment 6- playmaker- Shuyi Jin

I encounter a weird problem when I open Unity the second time outside of the class that assets are not importing to the application. But it processes out after several times.  The app makes my computer process extremely slow.  I put a kitten in the scene and place the playmaker as well. But I think i didn't do it right. The kitten jumps up when I walk into the collider, but it doesn't come back to the ground. Also when I do the screencast, the weird sound occurs again. Youtube Link:...

Assignment 6 Playmaker Carly Port

Although my barking box looks simple, I invested a great deal of time to get this to trigger properly. After realizing my open and close animations were not working because I had failed to check the Legacy option, I struggled with sound. Professor Pacheco and I realized the "Play Sound" was not functioning correctly with my version of Unity, and instead I needed to utilize the "Audio Play" action within my Playmaker events. Before, sounds were being cued prior to entering the trigger and those automated by the trigger were...

Assignment 6 – Playmaker

My greatest triumph in this assignment was debugging all my compatibility issues between the NH Macs and my PC in order to incorporate Playmaker into an existing scene. But anyway, here's a terminal string of logic which activates my jukebox, and a logic loop which operates the Uncooperative Treasure Chest. In case it wasn't obvious, creative walking simulators which make ample use of effects like these (such as The Stanley Parable) to tell engaging stories are a big influence on me.