Here's my animation embedded video, and it should be uploaded to Youtube.
Assignment 5 – Shiyi Liu
by sliu70
- October 13
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Larissa Urbiks My aim of this assignment was to let my soldiers discover the island. Making my soldiers walk was more difficult than I thought and I spend in total more than six hours before they finally did what I wanted. My mistake was to add an FSM and states to the soldier and not to another object. After Professor Pacheco told me that, I created a cube and added the FSM and states to this object. The soldier is my Game Object now. I wanted to let him walk...
In my scene of Unity, I tried to create a scene of the racing game interface. The scene is a “garage” for the racing game that shows the cars that the user has for playing game; the user can acquire more cars based on his or her achievements in the game. I tried to highlight the car that is chosen by making that car looks like it is ignited on, by turning headlights on and adding engine sound on it. I tried to make the engine sound, “fade away” as...
PDF File: Powerpoint File: This project has been the one to challenge me the most. While thrilling to create world, the learning curve was frsutrating to deal with. My problem, no one else's. Main challenges: Lighting. I was constantly in shadow for no reason that I could discern. Terrain smoothing. I got ambitious and tried to create terraced ramps up the side of mountain. It's even hard to explain, let alone do. Practice helped, though. Bridge-building. I got some cool thord party installs, but they would not support my "weight." I even tried...
Having already been playing around with unity was definitely advantageous, I have the foundation to build a much more compelling and interesting project using this scene. I learned alot about using the post-pro stack and how to really create believable and beautiful environments during this assignment. I am looking forward to taking this project to the next step.
For this assignment, I decided to create a nature scene with the mountain lake. The emphasize of one is of beauty and calmness, and on the story of the lonely fisherman with nobody nearby. In terms of journalism, it could be an illustration to NatGeo article about distant mountain areas and people leaving there. From the technical side, the biggest issue I had was with audio. I wasn't able to manage an audio of boat engine to the boat itself (which was a part of the assignment). But, from the...
For this assignment, I was really trying to get familiar with Unity's interface and shortcuts etc. I’m learning Maya for another class at the same time and it was kind of confusing to switch between two different softwares. I find Maya easier to control in general. For example, in Unity I couldn't figure out how to successfully apply a texture to an object. I imported the building and two trees into Unity from models I made in Maya. However I think the building's a little tilted. And for some reason...
This was only the second time I had worked with unity so I am definitely still a beginner, but I do find the interface a lot less challenging than I expected. I do have a bit of experience working with 3D software which might have helped by already being familiar with the these types of interfaces. Everything that I tried in this attempt went relatively smoothly. The tree and grass creator tool was very straightforward and definitely helped speed up the creation of a more realistic scene. The most difficult part...