Simple Interactive scene - Action triggered by button Two cars crush on to each other with sound.
Assignment #5 – Young Woo Koh
by ykoh
- October 16
- in
Simple Interactive scene - Action triggered by button Two cars crush on to each other with sound.
First I want to say sorry that I hand in this assignment late. However, I really have too many problems with Unity this time. I was going to make a large village with fancy houses, markets, and farm fields, however, I lost everything when I tried to delete one of the "C# errors". Unity was forced to quit and I was not able to reopen my file. I still don't get what happened now but I really want to tell any of you guys reading this article that, NEVER EVER...
Video link For this project, I created a fantasy world with a dragon and a troll. I decided to make the dragon move from one mushroom to the next, and I had the troll do the same thing. I used the same trigger to move both the troll and the dragon. For some reason, the troll would move off to the far right even though I selected it to only move between spots 1 and 2. I has a fantasy background sound going, but I included a dragon shrieking sound...
Anqi Yuan I used Playmaker to trigger an animation of the dragon. The first dragon will attack and howl when you move closer to it. The treasure box is the only trigger to control the second dragon and the box itself. The box will open and the dragon will fly toward the box at the same time.
This was a tough project to make because I really still don't understand conceptually how playmaker works. I still enjoy making scene and making them more and more detailed but I will definitely need more practice and understanding before i can safely say I am comfortable in Playmaker. I want to learn how to make the item follow you and chase you around. Ideally that is what I would have wanted to happen in this video but instead we chase the tiger!
Video Link - Based on the scene I finished in assignment 4, this is a so called advanced forest scene for players to interact with tigers and whale. I also added a roar sound for one of the tigers, but for some reasons, people could barely hear it. Enjoy!
I can't find any proper asset with animations for my last project "star explosion", so I started a new one. I set the treasure box as the only trigger to control three objects and set the sound for the treasure box. But I don't know why the sound is so low that I can hardly hear it, even though I set the sound to volume 1. And I don't know why the movements of my skeletons are not consistent. Hope to figure out all in the next class. This was an interesting project because I have never worked in unity before nor had I ever even made a 3d scene that was interactive. I really enjoyed it but these were some of the issues I ran into when I was creating the scene: -Lighting- I feel that certain parts of my scene is dark and would like to have the characters better lit underneath -Sounds and movement- Would like to be able to have the creatures move when the viewer gets close -...
In this assignment, I decided to make these zombies move towards me. I set up a trigger as a box collider and when first person controller approaches, the zombie will play an animation of attack and play audio of zombie's breathing. After that, it will go into chasing me. I used "move toward" and "smooth look at" functions in playmaker. Now that they are chasing the first person at a low speed while playing an animation of a walk.
Playmaker Interactivity tutorial So for this assignment, i decided to make a scene from scratch. The scene i had in mind was that of a wild wild west with a twist. I placed two characters i downloaded from mixamo and made them dance to the trigger- which in this case was a skull on the ground. As soon i would get close to the skull, the music would start playing and the characters would dance. It took me some time to get the logic right but once i did playmaker...