Final Project Pitch
Nadia Persaud Assignment #6
by npers101
- October 25
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Video link For this assignment, I created an eerie background and had a zombie from Mixamo limping from one bush to the next as the player hides behind a rock and observes. I added a growling sound to the zombie to make the scene a bit scarier. As agreed upon, my deadline has moved to Wednesday instead of Sunday. Thank you!
Assignment 6 – Shuran Huang
by shuang26
- October 25
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Video Link - This is my assignment 6. Creating an animated character downloaded from the Mixamo in the scene is very interesting. The character looks very well-designed and real. Having a model moving back and forth was fun! Professor Pacheco, as we came to an agreement, I was in photography program fall workshop and my deadline for this assignment has been extended to Wednesday. Thank you!
Assignment 06 – Mixamo Scene
by Ronojoy Sinha
- October 24
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-Ronojoy Sinha Mixamo on Unity I used the scene i created for last week's scene, the wild west. In this, i added three triggers which generate the same response from the two characters - walking. I couldnt put a transition in the characters due to the lack of time. Also i put background music to add a feel to the scene.
Assignment 06 – Mixamo Scene
by Lenny Martinez
- October 24
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By Lenny Martinez For this, I just wanted to try and make the character trigger other animations. Right now, the animation runs one loop, but if a third state is added to of the left & right goals, the animation should go on. I didn't have the time to test it. The key to getting it to work was to add colliders and a rigidbody component to AJ, the Mixamo character.
VR in Healthcare Presentation-Audrey Lee
by alee107
- October 24
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Assignment #6 – Young Woo Koh
by ykoh
- October 23
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Assignment 6 Tony Yao
by syao06
- October 22
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In this assignment, I am trying to use third person instead of first person controller since I want to use Mixamo to create my own character which I can control. I also download a monster character to be the enemy which will react to my approach and run towards me and die when I trigger the gun. I've spent a lot of time working on third person view and smoothly follow my character. Also, set up two triggers using playmaker is not as easy as one trigger. In this assignment,...
For my scene I made a monster limping from one object to another. Although this video does not show it, the monster was indeed limping at one point, but I then added audio which seemed to have done something to throw off the command chain.
Assignment 6: Mixamo and Playmaker-Anqi Yuan
by ayuan02
- October 22
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Anqi Yuan In this assignment, I tried to add more character and more actions. I played around with the playmarker and tried to make the scene more complex. I used the character Erika Archer as the only trigger to control another character Arissa and the dragon. When Arissa walks toward to the treasure box, the dragon notices and flies to the box in order to protect the treasure. At the beginning, the dragon's back towards the two characters. I used "smooth look at" to make the dragon face to the...
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