Nadia Persaud Independent Learning Requirement

VR Video and Photography: Storytelling by Paul Taggart Prior to shooting my final project over Thanksgiving break, I decided to take the course on entitled VR Video and Photography: Storytelling. When I had filmed my 360 dog park video toward the beginning of the semester, capturing the footage was simple, but telling a story was not. Everything we captured was great, but I was missing a way to tie each shot together into a story that meant something. I didn’t want to make this mistake again, especially since I’d...

Assigntment 8: Lysol

Doing photogrammetry was a learning process. I first tried doing it in a room with a white tiled floor and no information was coming into the camera. I then tried it in one with a black floor and everything was better. I was disappointing how it looked once I cropped it on Trnio because the Lysol letters stopped being lined up for some reason. As you can see they are lined up in the screenshot below but not in the final product. Below is the final product: Lysol Assignment 8...