To current Syracuse University juniors, seniors and grad students you know who are interested in virtual and augmented reality: As in past semesters, the fall offering of my Virtual Reality Storytelling class has been filled. We are looking into the possibility of opening a second section that meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11-12:20 pm. But to do that we need enough students to sign up. The new section is now open in MySlice with these course numbers: Undergrads: NEW 400, course number 20722 Grads: NEW 600, course number 20723 If...
Protected: Secret Stuff
by Prof. Dan Pacheco
- January 17
- in
by Prof. Dan Pacheco
- January 11
- in
Welcome to the Virtual Reality Storytelling class site. You can get started by familiarizing yourself with the syllabus and schedule. Also, please fill out the class survey sometime this week. You will need to sign up for the following accounts to participate in this class. A Twitter account that's set to public. This is how we we will share cool VR finds with each other and the world. Create an account on this site to post blog entries. You will receive an email invitation with your login information before the first class. If not, tell us! Make sure...