I learned a lot this semester, including the basics of Unity and how to combine Unity and Cinema 4D together. The most impressing part of learning is how to animate the characters in the scene. In class, professor told us to import the Mixamo character and the animation together, so that we can control how the character moves. But I watched the instruction on the assets store so I imported characters from assets store as well as the animation package. After importing the character package, I saw the different folders...
Final Project – Stanlyn (Ye Lu)
by Ye Lu
- May 10
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I built a scene which shows the mental world of a woman. She lives a tedious life in reality: married a reliable guy, doing a stable job, with a nice house and two children. She never cooks or do any chores at home - she hire people to do them. But when she was young, she had a dream of living in a beautiful house, cooking for her husband and children, doing something she loves. She did not get together with the guy she loved, so she kept making "right"...
Here is my scene. The clapping lady is the trigger - once I arrive her, the old man passes out, and the swordsman walks to the dancing woman.
I wished to do more complex design, but I think it's better to save it to the next assignment. For this assignment, I just made everything MOVE, which is already funny to play.
Assignment 5 (Stanlyn Lu)
by Ye Lu
- February 23
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I built a scene in a half-desert environment. There are trees, fires, spider, soldiers, bridges, and a small lake. Our main character is working with the soldiers to find out the PERSON OF INTEREST. So it's very dangerous. We may look for clues through everything in the scene. Ideally, our PERSON OF INTEREST is hiding behind the bridge and waiting for a chance to attack everyone - I hope I know how to make a moving devil and make realistic sound effects.
Assignment 2 – Ye Lu (Stanlyn)
by Ye Lu
- February 2
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I am thinking about making a peaceful scene of a high school playground. We can add trees, avenues, basketball court, and even boys who are playing basketballs. As for the sound, I hope to add bird sounds, the sound of bouncing basketball, with a little bit talking and laughing. And when the user gets closer to the tree, the bird sounds will get loud; when the user gets closer to the basketball court, the ball-bouncing sound will get louder and the bird sound will get weaker, etc. I came up...
Assignment 1 – Ye Lu (Stanlyn)
by Ye Lu
- February 2
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I took my first VR class last Wednesday. It is such an exciting class which opened up an amazing world to us. (And I spent some time figuring out if we need to do this assignment and how to use this public blog, which made me submit this assignment late. I'm so sorry.) As we can see, VR is the future. In the past, the technology is not as advanced as these days, and it was hard for cell phones to carry such complex functions. VR makes us feel like we are...