I learned a lot during this course, partly in class, and partly - by myself. I'd like to share the most interesting parts of my independent study in this blog post. Most of my learning moments were connected to my final assignment, where I tried to combine Unity, PlayMaker and 360 videos. I watched 8 or 10 videos for it, and here are the most useful. How to play Stereoscopic 3D 360 Video in VR with Unity3D To make the long story short, for making your video playing in Unity,...
Korovayny Final Assignment
by skorovai
- December 11
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Here is my final project - Panotour of the High Line Public Park in the New York City! http://www.vrstorytelling.org/Files/HighlinePanotour/HighlinePanotour.html The park itself is a great example of renovating and creating public spaces using old industrial constructions. Videos are pretty good, light is nice, but at the same time - no voiceover and storytelling. Let me tell you why. First of all, I decided to make an ordinary 360 video with the voiceover of park staff and local activists and park stuff. Staff and activists appeared extremely unresponsible. At then I...
Korovayny Assignment 8
by skorovai
- November 14
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There is a 3D model of the Greg Heisler's friend. The photographer uses him to show different lighting techniques to students, thus the friend is really handsome. I created this model with Trnio. My (hamble) opinion is that Trnio is just a horrible app. I spent days (!) trying to render at least one (out of 10 or 15) models, and I succeed only with this one. Another set of difficulties was to proceed this guy through ScetchFab and Meshlab. It wasn't easy, but, anyway, I managed in cutting bad...
Korovayny final proposal
by skorovai
- November 1
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Korovayny Assignment 6
by skorovai
- October 25
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Assignment 5 – Korovayny Playmaker animation
by skorovai
- October 15
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For this assignment I created a scene where almost every participant interacted wth each other. In total there are 4 triggers and one button, each of ones respondes for multiple actions. My biggest difficulty was to make the button on the chest work. To tell the truth, I'm still unsurtan how does the CUI button mechanism works. Also, Hutong games tutorial helped me a lot along the way on this assignment.
Korovayny Unity Scene Assignment 4
by skorovai
- October 9
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For this assignment, I decided to create a nature scene with the mountain lake. The emphasize of one is of beauty and calmness, and on the story of the lonely fisherman with nobody nearby. In terms of journalism, it could be an illustration to NatGeo article about distant mountain areas and people leaving there. From the technical side, the biggest issue I had was with audio. I wasn't able to manage an audio of boat engine to the boat itself (which was a part of the assignment). But, from the...
Sergey Korovayny Pitch – Assignment 2
by skorovai
- September 11
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Coming to the US from Ukraine, I was absolutely surprised to find the large, prosper and unique Ukrainian Community here, in Syracuse. Via my 360 documentary I would like to tell the story of people who, arriving to America recently, or having their Ukrainian ancestors, cherish their identity and having the strong connection to the Motherland. Ukrainian culdureis very visual - we have nice traditional dresses (Vishivanka), crazy dancing styles (Gopak), lots of different food and so on. And there are a lot of events we can shoot for the...
Assignment 1 – by Serhii Korovainyi
by skorovai
- September 2
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I had some experience of VR before, thus it was very interesting to compare one with the new one I've got in the lab. Before the class, I used Samsung Gear VR and simple cardboard only. And, of course, after trying Oculus Rift and HTC VIve, I don't want to come back to that experience. Oculus and Vive are far the best systems I've ever tried. The quality of the image, the ability to move in the VR space gives absolutely another level of experience. In general, only two these...