More than often, we will have to limit the players to playable areas, so they can't climb over hills or run through lakes. To do that, we have to adjust the settings in the item called the navigation mesh. In Unity, you can easily find the navigation mesh by clicking the Window, then Navigation. Navigation meshes will show up over a certain part of the terrain, identifying which areas can be walked on, and then AIs can use this information to define how to get around obstacles and navigate from one point to...
Graduate Student Requirement-Renyan Jiang
by Renyan Jiang
- May 10
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Renyan Jiang Virtual Reality Storytelling May 1, 2016 Graduate Student Assignment The development of a VR game software – VR Fruit Slice Background The rapid development of the VR technique provides the game developers an open environment, and thus numerous of eye-catching innovations have been created recently. Facebook, the company which has acquired the oculus two years ago, is now one of the biggest holders of VR contents. I interviewed my friend Herz, who happens to be one of the VR game app developer works for Facebook,...
The final project I designed is a mystery game which is now built up in Unity. The original story was about a middle-aged man woke up in a strange island only found out that his car was crushed and the sea level was rising. And the player’s task was to help him escape from the island. However, since I’m so interested in the program, plus people love those games which would apply their detective skills, I decided to make it more complicated and tricky. With some feedbacks, the new story is adapted as...
Caixin Media had released their Virtual Reality documentary MOUNTAIN VILLAGE KINDERGARTEN in October 2015 on the Fourth International Symposium on Anti-poverty and Child Development. It's a high-quality piece packed with strong storytelling and directing. The content which depicted the suffering life of children from rural mountain villages is really inspiring and thought provoking. Weak educational support for those regions is not a news, yet filming in 360-degree provides audiences a more direct and strong visual impact, entirely exposes the fact, which alert the society how serious the problem is. And in terms...
Final Project Pitch-Escape from the island
by Renyan Jiang
- April 6
- in The final project I designed is a mystery game which will be built up in Unity. The story is simple but interesting. A middle-age man wakes up in a strange island only find out that his car was crashed and the sea level is rising up. And the FIRST PERSON--the player's task is to help him escape from that island. So how to solve the puzzle? There are several objects scattered around, and I've built up clues for them by using colliders and triggers. Once they reach a certain...
Exploring new assets make this assignment even more interesting. I play with the settings of the metal barrels and check the USE GRAVITY icon and find out that it will make the scene more "real world". But I'm still confused about the lag of the animation of my character, even if I tried all the options I could think of.
The recent attempts of exploring Unity have been much more interesting rather than frustrating. I start getting familiar with those settings and actions that I can play a little bit with upon my own imagination. Still, I am improving this scene and building up more logics and objects in it. Based on the story I pitched in last assignment, I am now adding more elements such as the moving of the stones and the trigger that activate the car engine, which will lead the story to a new direction that the...
Assignment 5-Renyan Jiang
by Renyan Jiang
- February 23
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My Unity video: My scene is about an isolate island where an accident just happened. When the player walks into my scene, he would find out that there are two damaged cars, several steel rods and oil drums are scattered around the island. And for some reasons, almost the whole island drowns in the flood. To create the scene, I add the terrain with two textures - sand and stone- to portray the images of the beach and mountains. I, then, plant the woods and add some benches to make this...
Assignment II 360 Video Pitch:Chinese New Year
by Renyan Jiang
- February 1
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THE GENERAL IDEA Feb 7 is Chinese New Year's eve, traditionally families would gather for the annual dinner and for some regions like my hometown, seniorities of a family would hold an ancestor-worshipping celebration, and the younger would make Chinese paper-cuts and couplets to decorate the house. I would hold a new year party inviting both Chinese students and native American friends celebrating the New Year's eve together in a compact way and film it in 360 video form, so that more people could "experience" the house-hold Chinese New Year traditions and...
Assignment 2 360 Video Pitch:Chinese New Year-Renyan Jiang
by Renyan Jiang
- February 1
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THE GENERAL IDEA Feb 7 is Chinese New Year's eve, traditionally families would gather for the annual dinner and for some regions like my hometown, seniorities of a family would hold an ancestor-worshipping celebration, and the younger would make Chinese paper-cuts and couplets to decorate the house. I would hold a new year party inviting both Chinese students and native American friends celebrating the New Year's eve together in a compact way and film it in 360 video form, so that more people could "experience" the house-hold Chinese New Year traditions and...