My group and I wanted to create a tour that would give viewers an understanding of Newhouse through the lens of innovation. From Newhouse 1 to the Innovation Lab, our school has a history of media innovation. Where exactly do I begin?... I cannot believe that this experience is over. From pre-production to the countless hours of post-production, my team and I managed to produce a solid and captivating 360 video. I learned a mass amount of information while producing this video. The first thing I learned was organization and the...
Laniesha M. Dotson: Director, Documentary Filmmaker and Innovator. While attending Le Moyne College in Syracuse, New York, Laniesha studied Communications and Film. There she took her passion for directing and technology and used her abilities to help create out of the ordinary films. As a graduate student, she is currently working with her alma mater, which will produce multiple 360 and VR documentaries. How did you get started in 360 video & Virtual Reality? As a filmmaker, I want my audience to watch my films and connect with...
ZBrush 4 Essentials Digital art and sculpting, have always been important to me. I remember when I modeled my first 3D model in Cinema 4D and I absolutely fell in love with 3d molding and sculpting. Even though I have an art background and I have used my technical and artistic abilities to paint a vivid and colorful picture using Unity and other software's, I can still learn. On, I found the ZBrush 4 Tutorials.ZBrush is a 3d modeling, painting and sculpting software used by designers and artists. These...
Imagine, walking on the sands of Tatooine or flying throughout Cloud City, in the comfort of your own home or studio. ILMxLab ( Industrial Light & Magic) has designed a new Virtual Reality experience, that will change Star Wars forever. Maggie Treinin ILMXLAB TOT 04.11.16 P.S. The black slides are videos that are embedded. They might not play. Check it out!!
Final Pitch- MaryMargaret Treinin
by Marymargaret Treinin
- March 31
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Newhouse Innovation and Invention Group Project Our project seeks to frame the world of Newhouse through the lens of innovation. Over the years the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications has been an important part in driving the growth of the media. Lyndon B. Johnson gave his Gulf of Tonkin speech at the commemoration of Newhouse 1. Great newscasters and entertainers like Regis Philbin graduated from the school and went on to change the media as we know it.Our final project seeks to pull back the curtain on our school....
MaryMargaret Treinin – Unity Assignment #5
by Marymargaret Treinin
- February 23
- in While creating my new world, I must admit that many mistakes were made and a ton of tutorials had to be watched. Overall, this exercise provided me with a wonderful experience. Knowing that it was my first time using Unity, I wanted to create something simple, yet exciting. As you can probably tell by now, I was highly influenced by the movie King Kong. As I designed my first terrain and skybox, I wanted to incorporate the "galaxy/ horror genre. That being said, I created the skybox with a...
Assignment 2 – MaryMargaret Treinin
by Marymargaret Treinin
- February 1
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Club Fusion: Imagine that you are sitting in a large class room full of sweaty, competitive and proud gamers. As you watch eight individuals fire up their Game Cube/Wii controllers, the image of Super Smash Bros displays on the overhead projector. Fusion is a group of 60 + individuals who team up and compete their hearts out. Concept: The camera will be placed in the center of the large open science center classroom at LeMoyne College. The camera will also be around 6-7 feet off the ground because we want...
Assignment 1- MaryMargaret Treinin
by Marymargaret Treinin
- January 27
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I have always been fascinated by Virtual Reality. I think it is due to the fact that one can "escape" the real world, without actually leaving his or her seat. I am pleased that VR and its fans, are growing rapidly. That being said, during the first exercise, I was absolutely excited to try on another head set. Most importantly, I could not wait to experience the VR video that was placed in front of me. As I watched the space adventure that was placed in front of me, once...