This is the final prototype for the Mount Everest Project. The objects there are interactive, the pins, signs, and several objects can be interacted which would show some information and insight about trekking Mount Everest.' The problems that I have faced are trying to get the height map to work which isn't hard because of photoshop. The other problem is creating a miniature Mount Everest, which I tried using Geo mapping on google but the size that I can capture is too small, so I decided to use Maya...
Independent Learning: Heightmaps Unity
by Michael Ger
- December 13
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My independent learning is how to use height maps in unity. Bare in mind that there is more to height maps though this is what I learned when trying to use it for my final project. So height maps are essentially gradient (most often greyscale) type maps that you can convert to a 3D model. In terms of 3D, the lighter the grey is the higher the map goes. Sharp edges will create a cliff like form in 3D and areas with a slow gradient transition between while and black create...
VR Research Presentation
by Michael Ger
- December 5
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remembering-pearl-harbor-vr-3 In commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Attack on Pearl Harbor, LifeVR partnered with DeluxeVR to create an historical VR documentary. Remembering Pearl Harbor is an historical VR experience, that takes the user back in time during the Attack on Pearl Harbor. It follows are WWII veteran and his story during and after the war. It offers an unique experience that allows the users to interact with the objects and surroundings of that era. They are also going to release a similar VR experience, about the Berlin Wall next...
Assignment 7: Archer Run and Duck
by Michael Ger
- November 7
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(In progress) This part of the assignment was a tricky one. I did a three step playmaker animation for an archer running back and forth across the field. Using iTween add on, I made the archer sprint across the field then had it come back to its original location for the trigger exit. The three main features that I used was idle, sprint and crouch walking. In addition to the animation I did added in some little tweeks to the iTween move to action. Although its hard to see in...
Assignment 6: Trying to Get Gold
by Michael Ger
- October 23
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For this assignment I did the usual treasure box animation that we did in previous exercises. This time I added in the potion and gold ingots into my scene in the desert. So for this assignment I managed to create a scene where the player had to touch the potion in order to open the treasure chests. If the player leaves the vicinity of the potion the chest would automatically close preventing the player from getting their prize ingots. The story goes that after the player escapes into the desert...
Here is the link to my unity scene: Doing the scene was a great challenge for me, I did actually used 3-5 terrains for this scene as I didn't want to user to see the empty space where the terrain ends. In addition I had focused too much on the background landscape that I didn't have enough time to add more detail for each terrain. Trying to create the ruins of the village was a daunting task as I had to use a lot of place a lot of houses,...
Our group initially wanted to do the dance team at the beginning, we had some difficulties when doing our initial 360 video at Manley, as we were inexperience with the gopro cameras which caused us trouble during post production. During second round, when we filmed the dance team at the dome, we were able to properly use all 6 cameras to record all the scenes that we need for the project. However, the interior of the dome prove to be a challenge for our stitching team, due to the fact...
Assignment 2: 360 Video Pitch Revised
by Michael Ger
- September 14
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The Warehouse: I would like to propose a 360 video inside the warehouse near Syracuse Armory Square. There's not a lot of videos about what goes behind the scenes in design, much of videos shown online are either in documentaries, advertisements, or in articles. Its a good insight on how designers work but its not enough. It doesn't really show the emotional side of it, the joy, the stress, and the frustration that goes into get the right design, especially when students are working in groups. I wanted to give...
My Personal VR Journey
by Michael Ger
- September 7
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Before coming to class I've never tried out the virtual reality before. I've only seen people use it and the games that they play, so I didn't know a lot about virtual reality other than you can transport yourself psychologically into another fantasy world. However after the class where we get to test out all the VR/MR gadgets, I was amazed by the amount unique specs and technology that the VR industry has to offer. I think the most interesting out of all the VR gadgets that I get to...