What I loved so much about this class was how much learning you could do in your own time. Whether it be learning unity on your laptop or trying out VR apps in the innovation lab, it was totally when you wanted it. I am a firm believer that you work best when YOU WANT to work and not when you're forced to. The independent learning promoted this self driven attitude. One book that contributed highly to my learning was Ready Player One. I read the book along with the class and...
For my final project everything that could have gone wrong went wrong, thanks Murphy's Law. From a camera that stopped recording by itself to my USB corrupting, becoming unrecogniazable, and losing all my footage. Don't ya just love technology? Always backup your work kids, then back up your backup! So what was going to be a 3 scene story of VR taking over the world, instead became a single dystopian vignette of VR in control of a human mind. Because of what I lost I decided to add a few extra details to...
Assignment 8: Elevator Pitch – Kaya Bulbul
by Kaya Bulbul
- March 30
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Final VR Proposal 3 potential stages of VR, shot using gopro rig, to illustrate a dystopian world if precautions are not met. Take this as a 360* warning. For isn't it ludicrous to jump into something head on not knowing anything of its consequences?
Assignment 5!
by Kaya Bulbul
- February 24
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Ah Unity you beautiful devil. Things I tried in this assignment: Manually creating a skybox from images i downloaded from the asset store. It's such a great feeling pressing apply and voila a gorgeous 3d sunset you assembled from a bunch of 2d images. Adding sounds to different locations. I added music in the background of the whole scene but i also added noises like bats to the house to give it a haunted feeling. I want to play around more with this in the future. Adding a particle emitter to...
Assignment 2: 360 Video Pitch -Bulbul
by Kaya Bulbul
- February 3
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Summary: The history of a dystopian world where everyone is permanently on their VR devices. Story Arch: We, the camera, watch as each progressive room we enter has more and more people attached to their headsets. In the first room there's discussion among people as they socialize while in the corner there is someone excitedly experimenting with some google cardboard (representing the past). Next there's a room with some groups cluttered around VR devices. The room is more modern looking and the audience hears mumbles like a cafeteria or group meeting. Finally the...
One of the most impressive apps on the samsung gear was the Avengers one, even asides from the fact that I am a huge Iron Man fan, it was amazing. Some things that really worked for me were that when you were flying through the room, it was in a single continuous line. This helped to reduce the nauseating feeling I usually have with VR. What also helped was the slow motion so that I had time to process all the action going on around. Slow motion is definitely something...