In this assignment, I went the website,, to learn more about VR and how it impacts the business world. The instructor, Craig Barr, mentioned some interesting facts. For example, the fact that there is now a lower barrier of entry for many people when it comes to buying a VR headset. Before, prices were a huge deterrent for a lot of people. Headsets will now become much more common. Data will become much more real, and a virtual world will help conceptualize all that information. VR will help increase production and...
Wolyner Final Project
by gmwolyne
- December 11
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For my final project, I pivoted completely from my original plan. Originally I wanted to do some sort of interactive scene, that involved a car chase and unfortunately, that ended up falling through. But I came up with another idea, I wanted to give a brief tour of the major buildings around campus. This video could possibly be for people who are new to Syracuse or want to see what has changed since they have graduated. I think it is interesting because I get a lot of great angels...
Photogrammetry Attempt
by gmwolyne
- November 12
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This was one of the most curious things I have ever done. In this blog post I will lay out the step by step I went through to try and get a good model but eventually have to settle for something less. First, when I attempted to create a 3d image, I chose an object that I guess was too shiney. It was processed into a gross white blob that did not resemble the object at all. I was certain that I chose a piece that would work but probably...
Teleporting Tiger Chase- Assignment 5
by gmwolyne
- October 15
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This was a tough project to make because I really still don't understand conceptually how playmaker works. I still enjoy making scene and making them more and more detailed but I will definitely need more practice and understanding before i can safely say I am comfortable in Playmaker. I want to learn how to make the item follow you and chase you around. Ideally that is what I would have wanted to happen in this video but instead we chase the tiger!
Unity Project
by gmwolyne
- October 15
- in This was an interesting project because I have never worked in unity before nor had I ever even made a 3d scene that was interactive. I really enjoyed it but these were some of the issues I ran into when I was creating the scene: -Lighting- I feel that certain parts of my scene is dark and would like to have the characters better lit underneath -Sounds and movement- Would like to be able to have the creatures move when the viewer gets close -...
Practice with the Syracuse Sailing Team
by gmwolyne
- October 1
- in For the past two years I have been a part of the sailing team. We sail on a lake nearby called Cazenovia. We sail small boat called FJ’s and they hold typically two people. We have a fleet of eight boats and we go every weekend (weather permitting) to sail and practice. The setting would be within the boat with the sailors. I would also like to get a good perspective of the lake from the dock and then maybe one more shot of all the...
Assignment #2- Story Pitch
by gmwolyne
- September 10
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Glen Wolyner VR Story Telling Assignment #2 For the past two years I have been a part of the sailing team. We sail on a lake nearby called Cazenovia. We sail small boat called FJ’s and they hold typically two people. We have a fleet of eight boats and we go every weekend (weather permitting) to sail and practice. The scene would be within the boat with the sailors. Ideally the perspective would be first person looking at the hands of one of the skilled sailors on...
My VR Experience
by gmwolyne
- September 3
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My VR Experience On 8/30/17: Vive (Solitary Confinement): What an amazing experience. It was very shocking and realistic, putting the viewer in the perspective of the prisoner was that next level of immersion. Seeing the man walking around the cell and seeing the horrid conditions put the viewer in his shoes. The immersive technique was very effective and powerful. A technique that didn’t work very well was the actual 3d image of the man in the space. He had this strange glow to him that was hard to ignore. He...