Step 1: Go to and click on DEV PORTAL Step 2: Create an account Step 3: Click Develop, you should see LICENSE MANAGER and TARGET MANAGER Step 4: Click GET DEVELOPMENT KEY Step 5: After clicking on target manager, click ADD DATABASE with type being DEVICE Step 6: Click on the database you just made, then click ADD TARGET You should be using a flat image to start that has a fair amount of detail. However, even if you think you have a good...
Augmented Reality Resume
by gcook01
- December 10
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Software and hardware used: Unity 3D - software Vuforia – plug-in Macbook Original Idea: The challenge I wanted to face was that, since I am close to applying for jobs after school, there is a drastic need to both sell and differentiate myself from the crowd. The issue with this is that since everyone will have a resume and cover letter, the method of how you convey that you’re the best candidate is almost identical to other people hoping to win that position. By working in a...
3-D Selfie
by gcook01
- November 12
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For the project, I attempted to take a 3-D selfie with the app. This was a lot harder than it might seem, as this was my fifth try in a very small bathroom (I was attempting to use the mirror to figure out if I was getting the right framing) and resulted in many somewhat horrifying results, this being one the lesser. Lollipop by gcook93 on Sketchfab I found it was difficult to keep the same framing and lighting for each photo while the camera was facing my face and the...
Presentation on violence in virtual reality – Geoffrey Cook
by gcook01
- October 23
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Mixamo Animation Project – Trying to have two animations
by gcook01
- October 22
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I had one goal with this project, which was to have a single character play two animations. I figured out that if you connected the animator function in Mixamo to the unity animator, then you could have a singular character play multiple animations. I haven't quite figured out how to make it work every time, or how to make it run smoothly, but it works. If you didn't notice, there is an idle stance the character takes where there is some animation, which translates straight into the next animation. There...
Playmaker Assignment – Exploring the Valley
by gcook01
- October 15
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For this assignment, I wanted to concentrate on a progressively changing scene while the player explored. By starting the player in a stark white box, the first action was simply to have a door open up and allow them to follow down a path. The button also triggered nature sounds (that I borrowed from my last video) and if you paid attention, the clouds were animated, rolling slowly across the sky. I wanted to have a variety of triggers as to experiment with different kinds of interaction, so as you...
Project 4 – Unity Scene – Little Snoville
by gcook01
- October 8
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Little Snoville Demo For my unity project, I wanted to try and design a detailed little village. The end goal was to develop a tiny scene where players would be placed on one end of a deep valley and follow a path over a river and through the woods into the village at the end of the path. The original idea also included more sounds (aside from birds chirping) and a waterfall. Due to time constraints, however, these had to be cut. What worked was how detailed I was able...
Assignment 2: 360 pitch – Faegans
by gcook01
- September 10
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Pitch for a 360 video: Faegans I want to film and edit together the progression from mid afternoon to last call at Faegans pub, something I don't many people have experienced in one sitting. SCENE ONE: Position: Just outside We open mid afternoon, a few people sitting outside with food and drinks. The sun is bright and bar is relatively empty. Most people are here to unwind after a long day and just want to enjoy a quiet beer with some food. We get some sound from the street but...
Framing a Story – Assignment 1
by gcook01
- September 3
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With any story telling medium, there is the concept of the frame, the container in which the story is told. For certain mediums, like film and photography, this is the frame of the shot, telling the audience what they should pay attention to. For writing the frame might be the extent of what you can convey with the written word where a writer has to best determine how to build a world for the reader without losing their attention. Music has the frame of being a series of sounds, painting...