The basics of Playmaker First, install Playmaker Download from class server IMPORTANT! Double-click the version for your version of Unity (5.3). DON'T drag the whole thing into your project. In the popup, click the Install Playmaker button. Make sure the compatibility check is OK. When installed, a new Playmaker menu appears at the top of the program. Choose Playmaker > Playmaker Editor. If you don't see that and see Install again, go through the installation progress again until you do. You can move the Playmaker project pane where you want in...
First Game Tutorials
by Archive User
- February 4
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For anyone who hasn't yet, I'd recommend watching these videos about making your first game. Not everyone will be making games, but anything built in Unity requires some of the principles that these videos talk about, and I hope that people will be able to find some use from them. They're only about 5 minutes each. How To Start Your Game Development Setting (and Keeping) Production Goals How to Scope Small and Start Right
Assignment 1-David Ewald Jones-VR Headsets
by Archive User
- January 22
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TRF 600 Virtual Reality Storytelling Dan Pacheco NH 1 205 A David Ewald Jones My first experience with the VR headsets on day one was quite varied. The first headset we tried was the Google Cardboard with a Galaxy note 3 inside. My first impression was that for something you downloaded the plans to make for free, the experience wasn’t bad. However, the storytelling element was virtually non existent since as a viewer, I was stuck in one place with no way to move. One of our group...
Assignment 1: VR Experience Casby Bias
by Archive User
- January 21
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Hello all! Casby here with a blog on (epic voice) VIRTUAL REALITY DEVICES! (*Echo* Devices, devices, devices.) Wednesday the class had an assignment of posting up a blog post on experiences with different types of virtual reality materials. This is what I found: Google Cardboard: Of course this being my first experience with virtual reality, it was awesome. I felt uh...kind of stupid though when I pulled the cardboard goggles away from my face to see that I spun around in my chair and moved far away from the table I...
Assignment 1 – VR Experience – Veronica Ortiz
by Archive User
- January 21
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Virtual Reality! This is it. We made it, world. Time to make up for all the boring and painful aspects of reality by creating cool environments in VR headsets! (Right on!) Last Wednesday we had our first VR Storytelling class and we got to try out four different VR headsets models: the Samsung Gear, Oculus DK1, Oculus DK2, and Google Cardboard. Now, I had never experienced virtual reality before so going into this so I felt like a kid going to Disney for the first time. Actually, there are many...
Assignment 1: Virtual Reality Experience
by Archive User
- January 21
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As I approached the threshold of the Newhouse hallway to the secured room, my eyes were gleaming with excitement. I took my first step and immediately wondered where the stations were for the four virtual reality experiences: Oculus Rift DK1 and DK2, Google Cardboard, and the Gear VG. For some reason I thought I was going to walk onto the ship of Startreck, gadgets blinking and red buttons ready to be rushed. However at first glance it seemed to be just another classroom, with a a couple computers and goggles...
Assignment 1: Virtual Reality – Brian Cheung
by Archive User
- January 21
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My first ever experience with virtual reality technology was with Sony's Project Morpheus at an event in NYC this summer. I had high expectations. I had heard about the Oculus Rift and the list of other virtual reality systems. I figured that if there were so many companies willing to invest into this new (possible) frontier of technology, there must be some substantial quality to these products. After all, it's virtual reality. And for virtual reality to work, it has to be real. I was therefore slightly let down by Project Morpheus. I...
Assignment 1 – Momin Sherazi
by Archive User
- January 21
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When we were told we would get to try out all of the headsets during our first class, I got really excited. Here was a technology that I had only read about and I was about to experience it first hand. My group started at the Occulus DK1. I was rather pleased with this actually, as it meant I could see the progress from DK 1 to 2 and so forth. Having played other virtual reality games in the past (though nothing on remotely the same level as what I...
Assignment 1 : VR Experience – Manmeet Sahni
by Archive User
- January 21
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I rowed a boat in a river and swam with fish in the deep ocean. I did all that by sitting on a chair at the Newhouse lab and putting on the virtual reality device(s). I tried the four available VR headsets. The two versions of Oculus Rift, DK1 and DK2, the Samsung VR gear and the Google cardboard and it was a phenomenal visual experience. Everyone seemed excited to try the VR headsets. For some, it was not a novel experience, but many (including me) were trying these for...
Assignment 1- Sawyer Rosenstein
by Archive User
- January 21
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I'm that guy. I'm the guy who speaks in more acronyms than words. I'm the guy who can tell you about all the video games he's played and how they were better back in the day. I'm the guy who everyone goes to with technology troubles. As a result, that guy is usually associated with being a techno-geek or a techno-snob. You know what? It's true, I have become such a snob with new technology, having been able to try so much of it in Newhouse, especially with Professor Pacheco. So...