For my Independent Learning requirement I took a Lynda course called Level Design Basics in Unity. The course was exactly what the title suggests, and it was very helpful because, at least to me, one of the hardest things about Unity is figuring out the basic stuff. Most of the time I know what I want to do I just don't know where to find the thing or what to change, and once I learn the basics I can play around and put the concepts together, but if the basics... For my final project I created a virtual maze that you can run through. It turned out pretty well, but the concept I had in my head before making it was a lot different than what I ended up with. Part of the reason for that is because a lot of the things I wanted to do I could not figure out how to do in Unity so I had to do some audibles. I wanted to make it where you would run through the maze and you...
My idea is to create a virtual corn maze. It will be in Unity3D and will be a first person idea. It will start out with the first person controller in front of the maze and you will hear some noises behind you, so you would use the mouse to turn around and Donald Trump will be running behind you trying to catch you before you can escape the maze; if he does, you will be forced to fully pay for the costs of his wall (thanks prof. Harper). So,... This assignment was interesting because getting the logic down can take some time. I eventually got it done, but after a few unsuccessful attempts. When I put my character in the scene, I created the three states and added the Trigger Enter and Trigger Exit animations to the states. I also made a collision box around my character, which I soon learned was a mistake. I had my logic set up soundly: when I entered the collision box, it triggered my object to walk to another object, and when...
AJ Abell Assignment 5
by Alexander Abell
- February 23
- in For my scene I created a grassy plain with a house in the middle of it. The house is surrounded by some trees and has two gorillas and a horse standing next to it, but the horse is walking in place and the gorillas are stationary. To the left of the house are some mountains and in between the mountains there is a lake with some whales in it. The mountains are of medium height and near the house they are very low hills so as to unite the...
Abell Assignment Two
by Alexander Abell
- January 29
- in
I think lots of movement would be a really cool scene if done right. While it is a great experience being in the virtual world inside a room, it is even better when you feel like you are really part of the environment. There is something about the human (or animal) element that really connects with our senses and makes us feel like we are part of the experience -- the empathy machine doing its job. A really cool scene would be either a congregation or someplace very crowded where...
Putting on all of the different headsets last class was definitely very cool. Though I have tried these before, each one is still just a little different and the experience always changes. I currently have the cardboard VR set, and one thing about it is it's significantly less clear than the nicer ones, I often notice that things are blurry. Still, it is very cool to experience VR as I do sometimes feel physically present in the world. I watched the Ebola outbreak in Liberia video, and at some parts...