Assignment 6 Using Mixamo – Shir Mosan
by smusan
- October 22
- in
What did I do?
I used the Play Animation Action which was applied on the audience which were also divided to four raws, to the piano man and the singer.
As for the singer and the Piano man I used Trigger Enter so when the player enter the trigger each of them starts to do it's own action.
The Piano man had 4 actions:
- To sit - Trigger enter
- Start Playing - Trigger Exit
- Start playing the music - Trigger Exit
- One dancer (first raw) start to dance - Trigger Exit
The Singer had one action:
- Start to sing - Trigger Enter
As for the audience I used the "Wait" action for each raw so that each action was performed after a few seconds that were defined in advance.
For example, the second raw started to dance after 34 seconds from the first raw started dancing.
I have to say that the audience part was challenge, I am sure that there is easier way to do it but I couldn't find it so I did it in a longer way which was to define to each character its' own animation and to define each character in playmaker (28 characters in each raw, so yeah, 28 characters x4 raws =112 Characters were defined by me)
The Scene
The user enters the scene, there are sounds of the audience in the background, he getting closer to the piano man the and the singer starts to sing together with the music. Than, one dancer start to dance and as the music continues more and more people are joining him to the dance.