Assignment 6: Post-industrial Unity Scene
by Nuo Yin
- March 5
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What I tried with Unity this time is to build a post-industrial scene. With the old flat cars, the pipes, the barrels and boxes I downloaded from the asset store, the set is like a deserted "no-man land" that is good for an adventure story.
Originally, I tried to use more assets, like some rocks and wooden bridge. However, like professor mentioned in class, a bunch of red alarms reminding me something was wrong did occur, like "materials need to be regenerated", and some assets did not seem to fit this version of Unity. Therefore, I decided to keep it simple this time. I cleared off some of the elements that I did not necessarily need, and add the "wind coming through trees" sound to the scene.
Tones of questions remain. For example, when an error occur, it is very hard for me to fix it, having taken only one class in Unity. I googled the solution to the problems, but still failed to solve them. When using external assets, I can't actually detect which part is off. I do believe it is necessary to learn more about hot to fix certain frequently-occurring errors.
As far as I'm concerned, the scene can be used as the first scene of an adventure story. The character arrives at this sort-of-deserted place. As the character explores in depth the land, he/she may find an old factory, which has story remain to be told.