Assignment 5 – Federico Ghelli
by Federico Ghelli
- February 23
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That was an adventure! creating my world in Unity with little knowledge of the software was a learning and humbling experience. I tried to stick to the basics and create something that would look appropriate for a video game. My concept is an underwater fort in a desert-like environment. I added a few buildings from a desert fortress pack and a tank to make the whole thing more war-like.
The idea is to have a scenario were the protagonist is a soldier who lives in an underwater fort and needs to protect it against the enemies' attacks. In addition, the user could gain information about certain buildings or weapons used in the scene by walking close to them.
Of course there should be many more props, sounds, and war effects, but I'm not at the level of ability with Unity yet. Something that I'd like to learn is how t make the terrain bigger, which it seemed it didn't quite work when I tried. I also would like to know how to make props move around and not just show the movement, like the whale in my scene. Unfortunately, Unity kept freezing while it was building the scene so I had to record from the preview camera.
Overall, I'm pretty satisfied with my first attempt using Unity, and I think that CGI is a fun and engaging tool that can be used to tell a story.