Assignment 5 – Quin’s World
by Quin Alexander
- February 24
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I really underestimated how long it would take to build a simple world in Unity. At first I had no clue what I wanted to build or where to start. I wanted to build something that I could actually see myself in. I remember the days when Sims was popular and I channeled that. I wanted to create something simple and represent a real community. For some reason I love the trees, even though in real life I'm not an outdoors person. My inner designer got the best of me and I spent hours trying to make things perfect, but then I realized that perfect doesn't exist in Unity. I kept getting so many errors or running in to so many issues, I can see why people get paid big bucks to sit and do these kinds of things. I didn't even get to do everything I imagined in my mind, it just would of taken too long.
For the life of me I couldn't figure out why I kept falling through my terrain. Literally, I would be walking straight and then just start to fall right through, as if I stepped into a hole. It was the weirdest thing. I had to delete my FPC a bunch of times. Needless to say it works now but don't ask me how. That's still a mystery I'm trying to work out. I really enjoyed browsing the asset store and seeing all the different things I could include with my world. I could have easily spent tons of hours just playing around and trying different things. When you're focused you don't even realize how much time has passed.
I enjoyed Unity. I used to code so it reminded me a lot of that. When I ran into compiling issues it took me back to my C++ days. I just sat staring at the screen dumbfounded because I had no idea what was wrong or how to fix it. I fixed it though, so no worries there. Once I exported and got to "walk" in my world it was really cool. I had a "I really built this" moment and it felt rewarding. Would I do this as a profession, probably not. Maybe my experience would be different if I actually paid for the full working assets, the ones that won't break your world. I'm happy I know the workflow of Unity, which is, in my opinion, a valuable skill to have.
As for other stories that could be told in Unity, I think the possibilities are endless. For me, I can see Unity branching off into the education industry. Imagine teaching kids how to do this, and letting their imaginations run wild. I would want to tell stories that puts the viewer in another person's shows. I'm very in to telling stories that impacts people emotionally. Stories that really allow you to identify with someone and feel their emotions.