Assignment 5: Creating Worlds in Unity

Assignment 5: Creating Worlds in Unity

Woo! That was an intense project. When I was applying to college, I almost went to an animation school to pursue my dream in making computer art. But who knew I could do that at Syracuse University as an advertising major?

I first encountered the wonders with Unity two years ago when Professor Pacheco showcased the Oculus Rift at a technology conference in Syracuse. I was instantly intrigued by the high quality alternate worlds. And the sky whale made me even more excited.

This world is a slightly mountainous, slightly plateaued landscape with a small oasis, a space ship, and a sky whale. There's also a piano and a mechanical lift for poetic measure. We're pretty limited with free 3D props in the Unity Store.

I really wanted to experiment with the video game scene feel, and I found some awesome and trance-like music to add to the scene. I added the sky whale because sky whales are amazing, but also I wanted to add an animated motion piece to the world. The water also added to that effect too.

Once I understood the construction of the Unity software, everything became a little easier to understand and navigate. So did the world I created. Enjoy!

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