Assignment 4
by Charles Preuss
- October 5
- in
Well there was many learning outcomes from this project. I think our team gained a lot from the learn through iteration approach.
Take 1:
We recorded the Dance team at Manley Field House. We found out that one of the cameras was corrupt and ended up not using the shoot because our preparation wasn't to par on the rig. We thought everything was good to go but could say we rushed the preparation step a bit. Rule 1: Always be Charging haha.
Take 2:
We received access to the Dance Team routine again this time we shot inside the Dome. We thought this would be a great shot and it turned out it was. We learned that preparation was key so we triple checked all cameras and things went a lot smoother. Then when we attempted to stitch the videos together a bomb dropped on our parade. The software had a hard time understanding exactly where to stitch the videos and we needed some major advanced stitching to make the video have mediocre quality for viewing.
Take 3:
We decided 3rd time is the charm and sprang up with a university tour video. The team really shined on this attempt by utilizing everything we learned from the 2 previous attempts. From stitching to premiere editing to audio input we definitely raised the bar on this attempt. I can't take much credit for this one as the "producer". The team really stepped up on this one. I took a step back and learned a bunch from the team about 360 video and saw the capabilities in premiere which excited me a lot.