Assignment 3: Team project – Animal Shelter
by oskwan
- October 1
- in
Our project is inviting audience to a local animal shelter. This is the summary of producer's post:
"My idea is to create a 360 video experience of a local animal shelter. The main idea behind this video is to create empathy and make the users feel like they are interacting with these different animals. Before I went to an animal shelter, I had a somewhat negative outlook towards them. I had thought they were locations to house stray animals or vicious pets (kind of like a jail for bad pets). Once I visited a shelter and learned more about the pets in it, my viewpoint completely shifted. This video project could help bring a more uplifting side to animal shelters and help the users learn more about the animals themselves and the conditions they were put through."
This is his post. Animal Shelter 360 video
Here is the video:
When we visited the shelter, it is already crowded with visitors and volunteers who were painting doors. Our team shared each portion of shooting. I took a video of Open Area and another of a cat (Frank Sinatra). I choose to record him because the fella was the only one which has FIV(Feline immunodeficiency virus), cat version of HIV, I guess.
For editing part, I took a role to research for subtitle contents. It was basically matching each cat's footage with its profile.
What I have learned
If I can make another chance to shoot video inside shelter, I would like to try a footage share the viewpoint of animals. For example, if I put our Gear VR on the height of cats, the camera may be able to provide another experience of interaction between viewers and cats.
For editing, I learned the importance of pre-recording memo. If I had recorded the information of each cat on footages on the site, I could have reduced much time to watch our video and matching the appearance with cat's bio data on the shelter's homepage.