Assignment 2 – MaryMargaret Treinin
by Marymargaret Treinin
- February 1
- in
Club Fusion: Imagine that you are sitting in a large class room full of sweaty, competitive and proud gamers. As you watch eight individuals fire up their Game Cube/Wii controllers, the image of Super Smash Bros displays on the overhead projector. Fusion is a group of 60 + individuals who team up and compete their hearts out.
Concept: The camera will be placed in the center of the large open science center classroom at LeMoyne College. The camera will also be around 6-7 feet off the ground because we want to get a good view of our surroundings. There will be plenty of game footage, movement, friendly yet, goofy individuals and plenty of excitement and activities. I strongly feel like this would be an awesome 360 video experience because it not only incorporates excitement, but it also incorporates pure passion. Of course this will be shot in an indoor environment and indoor lighting, will be appropriate.
Experience: I hope that this 360 video will allow "non" gamers to step into the world of friendly gaming and competition. These individuals will experience the passion for gaming, that bleeds out of these subjects. I want the viewer to experience the intense atmosphere, but also witness how fun a competition could be. This experience will be somewhat similar to a sporting event or a game because of the reasons that are listed above. I believe that the viewer will have a fun and exciting time, as their heart races. After all, this will be a battle of the games. Of course, some viewers might not like this experience because they might not like video games, excitement or happiness. Viewers might also witness motion sickness.
Discovery: The subject is the actual game that the eight individuals are playing. However, the eight individuals will be important as well. The overall problem is simple. Who will be the winner and how will that person win?
Hiding will not be difficult. My team members and I will be able to blend in with the 60+ participants. This makes more sense because I am actually one of the eight participants who plays in the tournament. The participants in this movie will be scattered around the open class room. Half of the participants will be on the left hand side, while the other half will be sitting down on the right side of the room.
Safety: I will do my best and beyond to make sure that everything is working from the start. Before we decide to even record, my teammates and I will make sure the all of the cameras are properly formatted and that the camera will be secure on the tripod. We will make sure that the tripod is secure and properly stable and in place. My group members and I will Never leave the equipment alone and someone will always keep their eye on it. Thankfully this location and the individuals that are all involved, have been surrounded by many cameras before and they are used to the commotion.