Assignment 2: 360 Video Pitch, Marisa Joachim- CHOPT

Assignment 2: 360 Video Pitch, Marisa Joachim- CHOPT

Marisa Joachim

FST 222: Introduction to Culinary Arts

Culinary theory and practice. Ingredient identification, sensory evaluation, ethnic ingredients, cultural preparation methods, and plate presentation. Menu development for non-commercial applications. Laboratory intensive hands-on preparation and practice.
That is the course description for Syracuse University’s very own Chopt. 

Each Wednesday the student chefs cook something new: mac n’ cheese, salsa, chicken, and more. With professional white coats, kitchen appliances, and a passion for food studies, these students enjoy this class immensely.

Hence, a 360 video in a large kitchen setting would be incredible. It would be able to capture each student’s piece of the food puzzle. With an eye level stance, if the camera stood about 5’5’’ the viewer can feel like one of the chefs moving around. With standard lighting from indoors, the true essence of the kitchen can be felt.

I picture lots of movement: cutting, stove top action, and pouring. Of course, it would be incredibly safe, and there would be enough distance from the chefs, especially when cutting and using hot surfaces.

When stitching the footage together, it can be like a “How-To” video.

With sounds all around of kitchen slang, and chef communication, it might even feel like a restaurant kitchen!

Therefore, the story discovery is simple: how a kitchen functions in a classroom setting. It is very unique that Syracuse provides this opportunity for its students. In fact, not many Syracuse students themselves know about this class. It would be a great marketing opportunity for the Department of Food Studies and Nutrition.

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