Assignment 1- VR Experience – Zaoli Zhong

Assignment 1- VR Experience – Zaoli Zhong

On the first day of the VR course, 14th, Jan, we had an opportunity to experience Oculus DK1, Oculus DK2, Google Cardboard and Samsung Gear. Those four devices brought different experiences in VR world. The same experience that I had in those four devices was they could distract me for a couple of seconds after I watched for a couple of minutes in the VR stories. But overall, it was an amazing experience in this testing.


Oculus DK 1 was the first device I tried. When I experienced “Star Trek”, I was good. But I wish I could control the speed when I was moving forward in the story because it started so fast that I did not expect. Yahui, one of our group members, had hard time to wear the set when she wore a pair of glasses. Comparing with other devices, this is the only one she could not able to experiences. Others in our group were not so excited about DK1 as far as I observed.


Oculus DK 2 was better than the DK1 in terms of the speed of moving in the story. I liked the experience- the movement of moving in space (cannot remember the name) fit me the most. I felt I was flowing in the space. Even though I got little swoon, the content seemed match the physical experience.


When I used the Google Cardboard, I like the lightweight of the device, but it easily caused me nausea, especially when I was watching the street video. The speed was so fast that I had to move my eyes out of the Cardboard for a while when I was watching. Yahui told me that she had the same experiences as I had in our conversation of exchanging experiences.


The Samsung Gear was my favorite in those four devices. I was amazed by the performance when I looked around. The performers were looking at and talking to me when I looked at them on the stage. I became one of them. It was so real that the Samsung Gear brought me so close to the performers, which gives more opportunities to audience to be part of the performance.


All in all, the resolution of Oculus DK2, Google Cardboard and Samsung Gear were pretty good. The sound was OK, but I prefer that it can be improved better. The head tracking of the Oculus DK1, Oculus DK2, and Samsung Gear were smoothness. I personally prefer the wireless device than wired one.

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