Assignment 1 – Max DeVesty
by Archive User
- January 21
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As my experience started this past Wednesday, a lot of things happened. Some of which were restricted to a particular virtual experience headset while others were felt across the board. My first thought and experience was that while some of the headsets were bulky, like the DK1 and DK2, the feeling once inside of the experience was more enveloping than a lot of other 3D experiences that I have experienced in the past. On multiple occasions the only word that I could articulate while in the experience was "wow". What was most affirming about this was the fact that most other people going through the experience often felt the same way I did. there were however some goods and some bads about the experiences that I subjected myself to.
Firstly, I think that when it comes to effectiveness of a story, the experience has to be engulfing. For instance, the Space experience on the DK2 was by far the most earth-shattering of all of the experiences. It completely surrounded you in the experience. you had a virtual body holding a virtual controller in a very similar position to the way you were sitting in real life and coupled with the audio, the experience was very real. One experience that I found not to work so well was the River canoe trip on the DK2. This was fairly linear and didn't provide you an opportunity to utilize the full range of capabilities that the DK2 had available to you.
In some of the virtual reality worlds, I felt like I was very much there. In the space experience on the DK2 and the underwater experience on the samsung device, I felt like I was very involved in the experience despite their lower graphic quality, which was probably due to the excess processing that needed to happen to create the experience. While I watched others go through an experience, I noticed that a lot of people were just as awestricken as I was when I went through the experience.
As stated before, I felt very present in both the Space experience on the DK2 and the underwater experience on the Samsung headset. These experiences I feel had the strongest sense of storytelling both with the narration in the underwater experience and the control over and feel that the Space experience conveyed.
I, along with a couple of others, experienced a very brief sensation of nausea while using the star trek simulation on the DK1. This sensation occurred while accelerating with the avatar that you had control of in the simulation. Upon pressing forward, the character would move forward and speed up in a very unrealistic fashion which was abrupt and almost unexpected so it caused some people to feel slightly nauseous.
Some of the most influential and unbelievably great pieces of the experiences were the smoothness of the motion tracking, the resolution and the audio that was paired with the experience. Thee pieces allowed for the experience to be very close to being realistic. Some things that caused the experience to lack in realism were the lack of movement due to cords and wires. The samsung headset was by far the best in engulfing you in a scene due to its lack of cords with both the headset and the headphones while still maintaining a high quality image.