Additional Learning Requirement Viola
by Tom Viola
- May 11
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For my additional learning requirement, I did the "Unity 5: 3D Essential Training" tutorial, to try and get a better grasp on how Unity works.
It was very useful to be able to go a little more in depth with what Unity can do, as well as the valuable ability to pause and rewind the lesson, so the many times I got lost, I was able to go back.
Some big things I learned were things like being able to alter an object's visual properties with greater detail. I wasn't aware I could control things like an object's "finish" making one more or less metallic, things such as that. There was a lot more that could be done with basic shaders than I originally knew about, and it was cool to find out more about that.
However, the tutorial wasn't much help for animating, because it used Mecanim as opposed to playmaker to create animations. Some of the workings were a little similar, but at times it was like the tutorial was in another language I was so lost.
The process of level design was very cool to see though. It was much more large scale than anything I have ever done in Unity, and it gave me an idea of the bigger picture of how Unity could really be used by someone more skilled and savvy than I am. It went into great detail on audio and lighting that we couldn't get to in class, and opened my eyes to just how much can be done to make a level come to life in Unity. Things like reverb zones and advanced area lighting were way more than what I thought Unity was capable of, and made me think of a lot of new possibilities to give a more immersive quality to what we create in Unity.
Overall it was a very cool, advanced lecture that taught me a lot about just how much Unity is capable of doing in the right hands, though I was a little disappointed it didn't mention troubleshooting techniques. It pretended Unity doesn't run into problems every five seconds, like it does when I use it.