Mulcahy- Assignment 4
by mjmulcah
- October 8
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For my first scene my goal was to try and make some Fantasy type of Scene since we were running on a video game engine. In my head I just wanted to have a decently detailed world with a few characters and buildings, however I found Unity to be incredibly difficult and not at all user friendly.
When I was originally coming into Unity I found it to be enjoyable because it seemed like all you needed to do was find assets already made and place them in but whenever I got to exporting there would always be issues. When I was first making my fantasy/Medieval scene I downloaded a few detailed mountain ranges, a few different characters that looked like monster and some different buildings. Then I went through adding other textures onto my mountain scape to make it look more detail.
As I went through selecting different assets I also found it difficult to select the assets I wanted because there would always be an issue of needing to update. Which is another problem I have with unity because its updates make its content partially unusable. Also every single time I tried to sync objects and audio, the audio will always play right when you enter and I couldn’t figure out what to do and no video could help me without downloading other programs. Further more Unity does a terrible job of telling you that you have issues while you are going along.
Then when I think I have done a really nice job I find it impossible fort my video to build and run. Upon numerous tries it would take unnaturally long to render and then never finish. Then whenever I went to go look at the error message and try to fix the file Unity would bring up the code for the program. We were never taught anything on how to code or issues we could face with coding. So then without those details I had to try and break down what are the issues with the scene.
After going through it turns out a bunch of the downloaded assets I used where causing the issues. So after spending 8hr in the lab I need to restart at the begging which was infuriating. What made it more annoying was that in order to make my video export correctly I needed to make the environment incredibly basic and simplify the overall project.
At the very end of this project I’m not really that happy with what I’m turning in but with all the issues Unity was giving me there was much I could do other then build a really basic scene. In addition after building your world and then finding out it all needs to go away cause it wont render properly, it leaves you feeling really frustrated and at a loss for words because you don’t know what to do. Overall I hope we can find out how to make unity easier or at least go through more ways to make cool projects export.
As far as future scenarios where this technology could help with story telling is with animations of real life events. This technology is really cool but I would say most of this would only really be beneficial in a video game setting where you control the overall story. The only possible way to make this a tool would be to create scenes in real life that weren’t filmed to give people a better visual understanding of what happened. I know a great example of this is when news stations created and animated rendering of seal team six and their successful mission of taking out Osama Bin Laden. In those types of videos people would like to know exacts on what happened and it gave people a clear idea of the operation.
With technology like this we can recreate any events that happened so to better inform people and help shape there understandings of certain situations. The only issue with that is just making sure what is recreated is accurate on all accounts.
But as users would move through historical scenes they should be able to get a clear idea of how the protagonist gets to where they need to go and keep place throughout the story.