Independent Learning – Schiff
by Matthew Schiff
- December 15
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For my independent learning project, I chose to learn more about special effects and lighting within Unity since that is what the majority of my final project was based around. My took the Lynda course : "Unity 5: 3D essential training" along with Unity's visual effects manual.
The first thing I learned was how to create particles using special effects. Once you are in Unity, you can add a component called "particle system" onto an object. This is where I made the cool dust floating particles above the house and playhouse in my final project. I was able to learn how to adjust the speed, duration, size, and shape of them.
Another important tool I learned which I think is the most important is lighting. After taking Adam Crisp's course on mood and spot lighting, he made a really important point that lighting can help guide the viewer throughout your story without actually using signs. I was able to do this within my story by creating a flashlight effect. I created a spot light with an opening to just cover the forefront trees. This pointed towards the next area I wanted to viewer to go to. I then played around with the halo tool which helped light up some areas where you wanted to attention to go such as a game object. After playing with that, I was able to change the directional light so it had a gloomy effect for the entire terrain. I then added a blue fog effect which brought the entire erie feel of Stranger Things together.
Overall, I was pleased with this course and the other materials I found to help me enhance my special effects and lighting techniques. I really feel these two aspects brought my entire project together!