Independent learning: Shumin Lai

Independent learning: Shumin Lai

My final project is filming a 360 video, so I came across some problem in the stitching process. When I stitched the video, I found out that one frame was in the wrong place and under the other frames. But when I dragged it in the correct area, it did not matched with other frames. So I opened the auto pano giga and tried to edit it. Unfortunately, it did not work even if I clicked the ghosting area with some green dots. Then, I googled it and watched some videos about auto pano giga on Kolor's YouTube channel. It has a clear explanation of how to correct the image.

After watching the video, I know how to match the scenes with control points. If I add some control points at the ghosting area, it will improve the accuracy of stitching. Therefore, I found out that the Kolor video about using control points on auto pano is very useful and want to share with my classmates.

The other problem of the 360 video is making it into a story. It is the most difficult part for my project because our content is more likely to be a performance rather than a story. We tried to make up the narrative part by editing different clips by editing them in a chronological way. For example, we filmed make up and dressing scenes. They happened before the actual performance. If we added those scenes, audience will know the behind-the-scenes process, which is more interesting than the actual performance. I also googled it and find some awesome 360 videos about ballet dance and learned their shooting angle. When we are shooting, we tried to put the camera as close as possible and switch angles frequently.

We received the interview recording the day after the deadline, which made my teammate and me really frustrated. With the narrative interview, the video might be better.

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