360 Video Pitch – Federico Ghelli
by Federico Ghelli
- January 29
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The people that keeps the SU community safe. My idea for this 360 video project is to provide someone else with the experience of living the life of a Syracuse University's DPS officer. Often we forget that there are people who work everyday to ensure that us students have the most safe college experience possible. DPS officers are probably some of the most important individuals in a college campus, and without them we would probably be exposed to many more risks that we already run here in Syracuse.
For this reason, I propose to dig inside the work of these officers and give them the reward they deserve, by allowing others to witness the importance of DPS's job. Everyone should know about the work of DPS because all of us take advantage of it, not only when we need it but also during our everyday's lives. In addition, this documentary could be useful to someone who wish to pursue this type of career, since would give a better insight and understanding of a officer's life. In other words, the goal is to bring to our eyes a reality that we wouldn't be totally aware of.
The protagonist/s of this story would be an officer/s of course. This story also offers a variety of options in term of scenes. Some scenes could be part of an interview with the officer/s, others could be more action scenes. such as riding in a DPS car or following the officer/s in the case of a call. For the first scene I suggest to do the interview part since I think I would be the easiest to shoot and we're still learning how to use 360 cameras.
As I stated before, I believe this project will be a learning experience for all the people who live inside a college campus because it will go in depth inside a profession that is present in every university in the United States. There are plenty of documentaries on police officers, but few on DPS officers and I bet none that would actually bring the viewers inside the officers' job.