Assignment 2: 360 Video Pitch -Bulbul
by Kaya Bulbul
- February 3
- in
The history of a dystopian world where everyone is permanently on their VR devices.
Story Arch:
We, the camera, watch as each progressive room we enter has more and more people attached to their headsets. In the first room there's discussion among people as they socialize while in the corner there is someone excitedly experimenting with some google cardboard (representing the past).
Next there's a room with some groups cluttered around VR devices. The room is more modern looking and the audience hears mumbles like a cafeteria or group meeting.
Finally the camera opens on a dark and silent room with people evenly spread out on desks. We hear faint noises of their headphones and the humming of a generator.
Cut to black.
Although I too am intrigued by the idea of VR I also feel the need to warn of the social consequences it may develop into. I do this because I love VR and want it to thrive. Not to warn against it entirely.