Assignments 5 and 6 - by Katie Conti Animated Unity Castle World (Youtube): This project brought about a major learning curve for me. I had never used this kind of programming/gaming engine before, and honestly, I'm not even much of a gamer myself. When I found a plethora of medieval assets from the Unity store, Mixamo figures, and TurboSquid I decided to recall my middle school fascination with medieval times and folkloric legends. My story was this: You are teleported back in time, where you find yourself outside the walls...
Assignment 4 – Katie Conti
by kaconti
- February 26
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Unity Scene: The Beach at the Pink Lake By Katie Conti - NEW 400 My first impression of Unity: this platform is MAGICAL. I'm thrilled to have the chance to create a world such as this, and experience it in 3D. Back in the day, I was a pretty big fan of Zoo Tycoon and other "make your own world" type of PC games, however, I definitely felt a bit of a learning curve when starting this project. I started by downloading several asset packages from the store that is...
Assignment 4: Tania Joseph
by trjose01
- February 25
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BEACH SCENE USING UNITY I really enjoyed my abroad experience in Barbados and I'm in love with the beach so I created a beach scene using Unity! Successes and Failures Some of the things I tried were moving the objects I added to the scene to the plain once they ended up "in the sky" or far away from the plain. This was a very complicated process for me trying to change the perspective and move the objects so I ended up deleted the objects from "the sky" and replacing...
Assignment #2 – 360 Video Pitch
by Matthew Schiff
- September 15
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Imagine being a prospective student or recent graduate on game day and the whole school is drenched in orange. Now imagine reliving that feeling on campus through a 360 video. My video will start at a game day tailgate. The camera rig will be placed above 7 feet so you can see everything and everyone. Since there are so many people at an event like this, you wont be able to see anything if you’re average height level. Also a ghosting effect may occur if people are too close. The...
Assignment 1: Matthew Schiff
by Matthew Schiff
- September 4
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Over the summer I was able to partake in my first real experience with VR. Prior to the summer, my interest in the VR world was sparked when Facebook introduced Facebook 360. This is where I was first exposed to this world but it wasn’t until the summer when I realized VR is so much more than just a 360 video. During our class, I started out at the Google Cardboard station. This is definitely the most basic, bare bones type of VR you can get your hands on. It...
First VR Experience
by Dylan Lowther
- September 4
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My first experience using VR was physically, and mentally overwhelming. Previously, the closest experience I've had to VR was watching 360 videos playing on the wall of the Dick Clark Studios. I quickly learned the gap between the VR experience and the 360 video experience is the gap between guarding LeBron James and shooting around on a portable hoop with your dad. The first VR device I tried was the Gear. The first odd mental sensation I felt was the confusion as to how tall I was. I'm 6'3"; on the Gear, because...
Creating and fighting an Animated Character in the HTC Vive using Playmaker in Unity – Assignment 6 / 7
by Evan Jenkins
- March 22
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In this post I won't go over how to animate a character in Unity or the basics of Playmaker. Those can be found here in a tutorial by Professor Dan Pachecho. However I did want to touch on the subject of Global Variables, which are very important to this construction. Basically, a global variable can be called by any object's FSM and whatever is stored in the variable is shared throughout the scene. This allows you to store values such as Health or distance and call them from any object....
NEWS FLASH! Chase actually got something to work. In class we practiced using Playmaker and Mixamo and perfected our skills. I finally found a way to animate my characters. Hizaaa! Here is a video of an animation I made using the Peasant Girl character in Mixamo and the snake body hips hip hop dance animation. Spicy, I know.
I was looking up a whole bunch of different tutorials on how to get my characters to animate with triggers. I am looking for where exactly I went wrong so I can learn from this for the future. I really want my final project to be in Unity and I am looking for ways to definitely improve. I worked in PlayMaker and I was pretty sure I had the physics of what I was doing correctly but I guess my characters thought otherwise because they just stood there like statues...
This is what I did for assignment 6. I applied "Play Animation" and "Stop Animation"for each of the walking zombie. I made the zombie at front the trigger object and set animation for him as well. I also applied "Audio play", when the player walks into the trigger zombie's area of the box collider, a funny music starts to play, when he or she walks out of the area it stops. What a pity we cannot hear it from the screen record. Update: last time I forgot to include the...