Unity Final: Global Warming PSA

For my final, I wanted to do both a 360 video and a Unity PSA. Unfortunately, the 360 video portion fell through because every file on my computer was deleted after I deleted all of my video files, but I was able to salvage and redo my Unity project.   For my Unity project, I started with just water, my FPS controller, and a boat. From there, I made a trigger that activates when you walk towards the wheel using playmaker. When you activate the trigger, audio begins to play,...

Lynda Video- Video Production

For my Lynda.com video requirement, I watched the video and took the quiz titled "Getting Started in Video Editing and Production. I chose to watch this video because the career path that I want to follow is documentary style video journalism, whether it's 360 video or regular 2d video.   The instructor says something that hits close to home for me and that was, "if you want to shoot a video, the last thing you should do is go out and shoot." This means that you need to actually think...