Since it is pretty much similar to the assignment 5, I made an Unity build and recorded the playing in other room (and I didn't want to bother other classmates in lab 205 with the sound) FSM tree is quite simple. When player touch the trigger area(invisible), Uncle M (muscle man with catwalk) approach poor Remy and leaving the area, Uncle M run away. Uncle M is my own customized character built in Adobe Fuse. Uploaded on Mixamo and downloaded with animation. Remy came form Mixamo. The moving points of...
Assignment 5 : Playmaker Interactive : Osung Kwan
by oskwan
- October 22
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This is my assignment 5 (late due to baby birth). Some highlights I would like to mention are following: tweaked the Playmaker FSM a little bit. After stage 2, there are two branches, one is going back to idle state when player leave the trigger area, the other is when Golem reach poor Remy, he screams. Made trigger invisible. It actually located on the right before the corner but I removed the mesh(the object is cube), so only the trigger collider remains. Built closed space. Poor Remy came from Mixamo...
Assignment 6 Playmaker Carly Port
by Carly Port
- October 24
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Although my barking box looks simple, I invested a great deal of time to get this to trigger properly. After realizing my open and close animations were not working because I had failed to check the Legacy option, I struggled with sound. Professor Pacheco and I realized the "Play Sound" was not functioning correctly with my version of Unity, and instead I needed to utilize the "Audio Play" action within my Playmaker events. Before, sounds were being cued prior to entering the trigger and those automated by the trigger were...
Assignment 6 – Josh Daghir
by Joshua Daghir
- November 19
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In the complexities of crafting a visually compelling virtual world, it is easy to forget the importance of sound in creating a fully immersive experience. If virtual reality is meant to transport the user to a new world, then the more senses involved, the more complete the experience feels. Much like video, capturing sound for VR purposes is extremely different from traditional audio recording. How sound is captured in 3D space greatly impacts the polish of the final product. There are many tools to capture 3D sound. I find binaural...