For unity assignments and the final project, I took two unity courses in The first one is Unity 5: 3D Essential Training. The most practical lessons I earned from the course are the notion of meshes and the sound setting. What I meant by the sound setting is the spatial sound which is sensitive the location of the source and the listener. As I wrote in the post of Assignment 5, through this course, I could find the reason for unavailability of the spatial sound in a Unity scene. The other...
Assignment 6: Playmaker and Maximo: Osung
by oskwan
- October 22
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Since it is pretty much similar to the assignment 5, I made an Unity build and recorded the playing in other room (and I didn't want to bother other classmates in lab 205 with the sound) FSM tree is quite simple. When player touch the trigger area(invisible), Uncle M (muscle man with catwalk) approach poor Remy and leaving the area, Uncle M run away. Uncle M is my own customized character built in Adobe Fuse. Uploaded on Mixamo and downloaded with animation. Remy came form Mixamo. The moving points of...
Assignment 5 : Playmaker Interactive : Osung Kwan
by oskwan
- October 22
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This is my assignment 5 (late due to baby birth). Some highlights I would like to mention are following: tweaked the Playmaker FSM a little bit. After stage 2, there are two branches, one is going back to idle state when player leave the trigger area, the other is when Golem reach poor Remy, he screams. Made trigger invisible. It actually located on the right before the corner but I removed the mesh(the object is cube), so only the trigger collider remains. Built closed space. Poor Remy came from Mixamo...
Assignment 4 – An Abandoned Valley : Osung Kwan
by oskwan
- October 8
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In this Unity assignment, I made a scene where the experiencer is abandoned in an isolated valley. Under a full moon, you are about to enter a town in deep forest. And suddenly hear a car horn. I tried to make a secluded and remote atmosphere and think the visual is reasonable. What didn't work here is sound. I tried to make experience that the first person actor is following a street which lead to a deserted town and hear a alarming sound far away. Following the sound, the actor...
As a food lover, i wanted to create a land full of food and have snowman population to fill the land. Initially i had the terrain floor in purple and rainbow pattern, but it was too much for the eyes, and when i tried to make the mountain, it looks too bizarre. I decided to keep the floor and mountains look natural, to balance out the crazy but cute big food around the land. Additionally, it took me a while before i get used to moving, rotating and resizing...
Every good story needs characters. No matter what medium you're using to tell a story, people latch on to anyone they can relate to or feel for. And if that story happens to be in virtual reality, they can latch on all the more tightly. They share a space with the character. They inhabit its world. They empathize with it, no matter how obviously CGI it is. Case and point: Kiya Notice the way these people move. It's never stiff or robotic. They gesture fluidly to each other. They naturally...