Sergey Korovayny Pitch – Assignment 2
by skorovai
- September 11
- in
Coming to the US from Ukraine, I was absolutely surprised to find the large, prosper and unique Ukrainian Community here, in Syracuse. Via my 360 documentary I would like to tell the story of people who, arriving to America recently, or having their Ukrainian ancestors, cherish their identity and having the strong connection to the Motherland.
Ukrainian culdureis very visual - we have nice traditional dresses (Vishivanka), crazy dancing styles (Gopak), lots of different food and so on. And there are a lot of events we can shoot for the video which is an additional bonus for the idea.
Do you know anything about Ukraine? The 360 documentary can help you to immerce in the Ukrainian culture and routine life.
The scene:
As an opener I'd like to use a shot from the Ukrainian festival (September, 16), where there will be a lot of Ukrainians in the national dresses, music and different performances and so on. The camera is on the stage with dancing people on the eye level, and, from the other side, below a viewer can see people clapping and dancing and having fun. Lots of movement around.
Daylight outside or indoor lighting, depends on the scenes.
Ambient sounds and interviews with Ukrainian Community representatives. Recorded separately.
360 is the best way to immercethe a viewer into the Ukrainian community life. Besides of the festival, film crew will visit the Ukrainian Church, Ukrainian school and homes of the Ukrainians. Thus, a viewer will go through different aspects of the life of Ukrainian people in Syracuse.