Kyle Slyva’s Assignment 6: Mixamo and Playmaker Animation
by Kyle Slyva
- October 22
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I set up a scene with two characters (Arissa and Harold) who are unfortunately the only two inhabitants in a small mountain-top village. Harold keeps trying to find ways to get Arissa to like him, but for some strange reason, Arissa just doesn't find Harold attractive. In this scene, Harold is trying the "sneak up slowly with a big smile" technique. Lets see if it works out for him.
Unity Setup:
I have two platforms which act as the main triggers for Harold. The first platform stops the idle animation and triggers both the Itween move as well as the creepy walk. When I step off the platform, Harold stops moving and the idle animation begins again. There is a hidden trigger in the path that Harold is walking that causes Arissa to start her run animation and the Itween movement. The platform on the left triggers Harolds cry and his defeated walk back into his hut.