Independent Learning requirement: Game programming on 3D Unity (Implementing C#)

Independent Learning requirement: Game programming on 3D Unity (Implementing C#)

Scripting is a tool which lets the user freely manipulate the environment in a scene. Some add-ons exist in unity which make scripting in Unity easier, as scripting itself is a rather tedious but necessary tool. There exists programs such as Playmaker, which allows the user to create scripts visually instead of having to know the essentials of coding. However, these sorts of programs have limitations, and to a point, can become rather tedious to use because of its intricacies.

The course I chose for my independent learning was the 3D Unity Game programming course, which focuses on the use of said C# programming language. The usefulness of knowing how the code works is one of those topics which is imperative for gaming. Although Playmaker is a helpful tool, it is not a free tool, and not everyone would be able to afford it. Again, it also limits the degrees of freedom from which an user can operate.

As useful as knowing scripting is, it also has its drawbacks. Particularly, C# (along with virtually every other programming language, including C and others) can be a language where one misclick or one missed letter can break the entire code. Breaking the code leads to the system operating inadequately.

This course was useful to recognize bugs in my code utilizing the debugger built into C#, though I prefer to use it in much greater detail in the near future.

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