Independent Learning – Nadine Buschner
by nnbuschn
- May 8
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For the independent learning assignment, I decided to watch the Scripting in Unity tutorial on Lynda. Although learning a programming language is not an easy feat, I have taken a previous coding class where I learned a bit of C. Unity uses C# for game development which is an easier language than C so I thought I would give it a shot. I want to learn the scripting aspect of Unity because I would like to create games or even apps in the future and I know you need to be very familiar with C# and JavaScript to make that happen. The video was on the shorter side, but it taught me the basics of how to create, modify, and attach scripts in Unity which I found to be very helpful.
On top of watching the Lynda video, I also decided to look at Unity’s tutorials as they have very helpful ones for beginners who are just starting out and who want to create simple games. I watched the “roll-a-ball tutorial” that included eight 5-10-minute-long videos and I ended up successfully creating a roll-a-ball game with my own scripting! It was very rewarding however I still have a lot to learn when it comes to C#. Below are links to the tutorials I watched!